
Showing posts from May, 2009

6 months post op RPAO

These past six months have gone by not quicker or slower than my first PAO, but definitely differently. More inconspicuously, perhaps. I've focused less on the little milestones and even the big ones. Without a second pending PAO, I've had my mind more free for other things. Strange, though, that I've thought less about this recovery when it hasn't gone as well as the first. Unfortunately, I'm not as far as I was with my first PAO. This is where I'm at. Zero pain when walking or having been on my feet all day. Zero pain when jogging or jumping. My "Captain Morgan" problem remains. While I can lift my leg on my own to get dressed, get into the car, it's painful. I still use my hands to help to avoid pain. Still an uncomfortable feeling when lying on my right side. No pain, just weird. My range of motion is not great. External rotation is especially hard. No sitting cross legged or the like. Still get the deep itchy, shooting pains in the incision ev...