This is Jamie the big pain in the hip sister. I wanted to post a little something about today because after reading yesterdays blog I think it is ironic that today ended with me sobbing so much I couldn't talk to anyone. I am just really tired and miss my kids and husband and it was kind of a slow day because it was a Saturday and with Mom here also I guess I just went stir crazy. Too many cooks in the kitchen! Enough said about that. I will let Cass elaborate about her progress but just want to say she STOOD UP today and walked a couple of steps. Just want her to know I love her and am very proud of her and know she really Rocks! And I just know that that things are only going to go up from here! Love you sis!


Manda K said…
Oh my lovely Cassie. My hip aches for you and my heart swells with excitement for all the things you will be able to do once again! I promise the pain does get better and each day is a small step, but ultimately it's those small steps that lead to the big victory dance at the end.

I'm sending you some sleazy novels to read while you are on the mend. They should be at your parent's house this week.

All my love,


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