10-mile hike

... and I held together pretty well!

Last weekend, I put my hips to the test, hiking more than 10 miles in a new natural area. The first trail was mostly flat, with a few deep coulees. The second trail was up, up, up and then down, down, down.

Around mile 6, my left hip started to ache pretty badly. I made the last mile to the end and was able to sit for a while. By the time I started the second trail, the pain was gone.

And that was the only problem I had.

I used to feel terrified that I won't be able to make it back when I walked only a few blocks. Now, though I have random pains, I know the actual hip dysplasia pain isn't going to keep me from a few blocks ... or a few miles.

Happy girl.


oscarsmum said…
Thats fantastic news!! Well done!!

If by ten months post-op I can do 10mile hikes I will be a happy girl too-thanks for the inspiration.
Jen said…
Great job! That gives me hope!!
Keep it up. Jen
HipSk8 said…
Awesome! The photo brings back memories of hiking in Colorado. Thanks for posting this, it is inspiring.
Awesome job Cassie!!! :)

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