How tough am I?

I've read as much as I can about this surgery. I think I have a high tolerance for pain, but some of these blogs scare me to death.

I wish the best for Sam, who is currently trying to deal with the pain of her surgery. I know a lot of women have come before her, and even though I think I'm strong, I think a PAO is going to try to prove me wrong.

I hope I can make it through.

My accolades go to all the women who have been able to do this. I hope I'm as tough as you are.


LH said…
I hear you - I'm pretty scared as well. We ARE strong, we CAN do this - we just have to believe in ourselves and stay positive. :)

Laura - a.k.a Hip Chick NYC
arianna said…
There is no doubt in my mind that you will be able to. We women are so much stronger than we realize we are! Especially the hipwomen. :) I know it sounds strange, but I do recall my PAO recovery time Granted, it did happen in early 2004, so I've had time to get over it! But I truly believe you are ready to face it - just try not to think too much about it beforehand!! That is what got ME through! :)

I know we've never really been in contact (although I'm pretty sure I've seen your name on the Yahoo group?) but I wanted to thank you for linking to my blog! I don't post much about my PAO because I started my blog later in that same year, and by then, there really wasn't much to say. I do think if I have further surgery, I probably will start a special hip section or another blog entirely to document it, this time. I do wish many times that I had created one last time, not only as a resource for others, but as a way to go back & remember everything more specifically. I think it's wonderful that you are getting all this down. I hope it is helpful and cathartic to you, first & foremost...but I know it also must be an invaluable reference to others, too!

Best wishes, and I do plan to keep up with your blog...and I'm sure you'll be in my thoughts come April!! xo
Anonymous said…
Hi Cassie,

I think you will surprise yourself with you own strength.

I worried myself constantly about the op for some 6 months before it and now it's all ben and gone I don't now what I was so worried about.

I did all my research and read a few blogs, which I know you've done too, which helped me to get organised beforehand. Being organised before the op is the best thing because it allows you to just relax and get through it.

Keep your chin up! You will be fine!

Sarah - TurtleGirl26
LH said…
Hi Cass,

I'm on the other side now and can speak from experince. You are going to be just fine - you can do it! Arianna hit the nail on the head in that we women are a whole lot stronger than we even know.

Stay positive!

Sam said…
Hey Cass! Just wanted to personally write and tell you that my surgery went amazingly!! Although I had issues with the pain meds (since I've never used them before or ever been in the hospital) my hip is doing great. I'm up and walking on crutches and it's been 9 days. I try to stay horizontal like they say...but it feels so damn good to get around and do small things for myself. I'll keep my blog up to date but thank you so much for your thoughts and encouragement!
Ericka said…
Ladies I need your help! I am brand new at this and thought I posted a blog somewhere but not to sure. I enjoy reading your blogs. They have been helpful to me too. I am 25 years old and was told I need this surgery, but I'm scared and my mom is totally against it. I got referred to a dr at Boston Children's hospital but haven't been scheduled to see him yet. I just want to be prepared when I go. Any suggestions?

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