Day 2
This is being typed by my wonderful sister who is unappreciated and overused!:-)
Today has been a pretty good day despite the fact that I only got 2 hours of sleep at a time last night. I'm hooked up to the hip CPM, and thanks to the epidural, my pain hasn't gone higher than a 3. The physical therapist came in at 8am which I thought was going to be torture. Wende was very gentle and got me sitting and my legs swung off the bed. I had a very st
rong shooting pain in my groin that lasted a couple of seconds, but the rest of it didn't hurt more than a 5. Unfortunately my right leg (good leg) has a motor block from the epi which means I have no feeling from the ankle up. Which means no standing until the epi is out which in turn, is slowing down my progress and motivating them to take me off the epidural by sometime tomorrow. Yikes. I'm just worried about the naseua I may feel from the oral medication they want to start me on after the epidural. I am currently getting my one of my units of blood back due to low iron count (25). I also realized today that I wasted $30 on a bikini wax, you can put 2 and 2 together.
My sister brought me flowers and I also received a beautiful, fragrant bouquet from my Colorado friends! Thank you very much.
Today has been a pretty good day despite the fact that I only got 2 hours of sleep at a time last night. I'm hooked up to the hip CPM, and thanks to the epidural, my pain hasn't gone higher than a 3. The physical therapist came in at 8am which I thought was going to be torture. Wende was very gentle and got me sitting and my legs swung off the bed. I had a very st
My sister brought me flowers and I also received a beautiful, fragrant bouquet from my Colorado friends! Thank you very much.
Joy and Erik
love donna
Glad to hear you're doing well. You will get stronger and stronger every day. Welcome to the other side!
I remember the CPM machine after my knee surgery and how much I hated it, but it will make all the difference in your healing. The joint won't be stiff and your chances of getting arthritis after use are really slim.
And the drains ... Oh how I hated those after my spine surgery. But eventually all the annoying things are out of the way, the itching stops and you can start sleeping better.
Pat bought one of those eye masks for me to wear while I was in the hospital and it helped more than I expected when it came to sleeping and napping. Maybe your sister can grab you one (and partake in some retail therapy for herself!)