Spring finally comes to Montana

Today was the first warm day since I've been back in beautiful Montana, and I made good use of it. I took my crutches as far as they would carry me down our gravel driveway and then sat outside on a normal chair with the barn cats cuddled up either on me or under the chair.

As the wind whistled through the pine trees, as the sun warmed my skin, and as the robins and magpies sounded their unique tunes, I felt relaxed and at peace. I had no pain, and I felt normal.

I'd never taken my good health for granted, but going through this recovery makes me feel even more grateful for what I had, and what I still have. Physical problems affect so many parts of everyday life, and I feel so lucky to have had the chance to fix what was hurting me.

Welcome, Spring, welcome.


Manda K said…
Nothing helps heal the soul more than a good warm Spring day. And having a kitty on your lap is also quite nice :)

I'm glad to see you are getting along much better. If you need help when you come back to FoCo, just yell. I'm more than happy to help you however I can.

Until then enjoy the quiet and the peace of Big Sky Country. I can't imagine a better place in the world to rehab than there.

Love ya!

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