12 weeks post-op
To celebrate being three-months post-op, I made my return to Body Jam, a cardio dance class at my gym. While I wasn't able to do about half of the moves because they were high-impact, it was so wonderful to be back after so long!
In the two weeks since I've written about post-op progress, I continue to get better. In fact, there are so few things that feel strange or hurt, that it will be easier to list those than all the things I can do now!
At this point
So three months post-op. Realistically, I'm about half-way through the entire recovery process (is that all?!) but I have so much to celebrate and I know the next three months will go by quickly and smoothly.
In the two weeks since I've written about post-op progress, I continue to get better. In fact, there are so few things that feel strange or hurt, that it will be easier to list those than all the things I can do now!
At this point
- It only hurts (just barely) to walk when I've been sitting for a long time and then get moving again.
- My limp is hardly noticeable.
- I still feel a bit of stiffness in the joint, especially after inactivity.
- My hip still hurts to roll onto, like when sleeping or trying to do crunches on my side. Once I'm in position, though, it doesn't hurt anymore.
- The numbness continues to fade. I feel the sensation coming back in most of my thigh. There's a spot about the size of half a dollar bill that still doesn't feel a thing, though.
- My incision and the surrounding area are still tender to the touch.
- Lifting my leg while seated is the hardest activity to do, which makes getting into the car, putting on shoes, etc. a bit painful -- deep in the joint -- and difficult. I have to use my hands to help in most cases. The strength is coming back, just slowly.
- My range of motion is not yet what it was pre-surgery, but getting better.
- My tailbone is definitely not getting better. Still waiting for my donut to arrive, so I hope that helps.
So three months post-op. Realistically, I'm about half-way through the entire recovery process (is that all?!) but I have so much to celebrate and I know the next three months will go by quickly and smoothly.