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A couple of days after my first attempt at jogging, I was forced to give it another try. Caught in one of the biggest storms I've ever seen while watching a softball game, my friends and I had to run the length of the field and across the parking lot for shelter. We still ended up soaked.

It hardly hurt this time, though my leg was very tired by the time we reached the car. I felt as if Jenny were screaming at me: Run, Cassie, Run! And there I went, as quick as I could in the downpour, flip flops just flapping away and my hands stretched wide to celebrate the rain and my running.

My other great news is that Jennifer thinks I am ready to be through with physical therapy. Though I still have to strengthen and loosen my hip flexor, she is very happy with my progress and even thinks the left side (op side) looks much better than the right.

The best news: My limp is gone. Jennifer is very straightforward and picky about how I do my exercises, so when she said she didn't see a limp anymore, I knew it had to be true.

I can jog; I can dance; I can wear my party pants. (Though my tailbone is still a pain in the ... well, you know.) I'm thrilled with my decision to have this surgery.


Eczema Mom said…
What wonderful news!! After 3 long months, you're now being set free! I hope I'm as lucky as you =)
--D., fellow 'hip chick'

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