Return to volleyball

About six months ago, I walked home from my last volleyball match with tears in my eyes and stabbing pains in my hip, not knowing when or if I would return to the game.

Tuesday night, I walked to the first match of the season with a cheesy smile on my face that I couldn't make go away. (I actually tried.) The great thing was, I walked home with that same smile.

Going in, I wasn't certain I'd be able to move around well enough to play. But I had two blocks, no missed serves and about five hits. There were a few balls that I couldn't get to cause I'm not going to dive just yet, but that's fine by me.

I did have a strange pain after my first hit that ran from my hip down to my knee, but it went away pretty quickly. Though I was a little sore the next day, I actually feel a little looser than I did going into the match.

I've learned so much through this PAO process. Mostly, you can't plan for anything. For better or worse, life changes at the drop of a hat. I still feel incredibly lucky that my surgery has turned out so well and cross my fingers that No. 2 goes as smoothly.

That way, I'll be ready to play again for the league that starts in June.


Eczema Mom said…
Dude, you're my hero! I'm not sure if I'll ever go back to activities like that, but it's good to know that I might be able to if I want.

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