RPAO, here we go

Like night and day. Miss Piggy and Kermit. Misty May Treanor and me.

That's how I describe my experiences preparing for my PAOs. The first one I agonized over, meticulously planning every detail, not letting a moment pass without thoughts of surgery. For six months, I did this.

And now here I am, six weeks from my second surgery. I've thought about it, yes, but never for longer than a minute at a time. I shoo those thoughts away as quickly as possible. As much as I'm okay with having the surgery, I just don't wanna deal with it!

Alas, the time comes to make plans to put your life on hold. Keri e-mailed me my pre-surgery info yesterday, and today I made my appointment for autologous blood donations. Next will be the flight and hotel reservations as well as buying the few things I'll need post-op.

Haven't I done all this before?


Marina said…
ohhh what kinds of things are you buying? I have no concept of how to prepare and I am only 27 days away!!!
Cassie said…
I'm going to post my list of must-haves in the next day or two, I hope. Will let everyone know once I get that up.
27 days away? Comes fast, but really slow, doesn't it?!
Wishing you the best,
Acy said…
20 days to go... scared straight but trying to be ok. i've seen your lists before, but it'll be a good reminder when you post them up again. thanks :)

Anonymous said…
I know you'll be fine. Recently my other leg has started to bother me and I feel that I will take a turn for the worst soon. In a way I'm glad perhaps I can get it out of the way and be done with it. On the other hand like you said you have to put your life on hold again. I saw Rachel today and she is doing well but of course it reminds me of how it feels the first few days after. Funny thing though I say a few of my nurses and it was good to catch up with them. At least this time I was standing and not flat on my back. Hang in there. You'll do great.
Anonymous said…
Thinking of you and keeping you in my thoughts and prayers...
All my best,

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