Epidural comes out

Cassie had a very busy day, she started oral meds at 10:00, the epidural was turned off at 11:00, and in two hours her PT, Vanessa got her up for the 2nd time and Cassie asked if it was ok if she took a few steps...we were amazed, she is definitely a ROCK STAR!!! That is three days earlier than the last surgery! She then went to X-ray for an ultrasound to check for blood clots in her leg; and got the all clear for take off. Her pain was pretty much under control until this evening, when all the activity of the day started catching up to her. Even though the meds make her groggy, she is having a lot of trouble getting rest. She says she is SO ready to go home! They started a transfusion this evening, and hopefully by 10:00 she will have had both units, (that is a whole other story that I'll let Cassie tell you). Looking forward to tomorrow, I know she will continue to push the bar, and we will be going home on Friday!


LH said…
Wow Cass - I am so proud of you! You ARE a rock star! I'm about 4.5 weeks away from my next surgery - I loved your notes to self and will try to employ some of them myself.

I wish you all the best,
Anonymous said…
Cass- great job on #2. You set the bar high for the rest of us! I'm just catching up on your blog from the past week. I've been thinking of you and wishing you well. I too am so proud of you! My op hip is killing me when I'm out in this Alaska cold too long. We had a fire drill today at school and I thought about running back into the building the all clear. I might have to move to warmer climates! I've got an appointment in December with my AK doctor to evaluate #2 and then we will start to make decisions about doing #2 next summer.
Many thoughts and prayers are being sent your way. And many thanks to your mom for the updates.
-Kirsten (from Alaska)

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