3 weeks post op RPAO

I'm scratching my head wondering what kinds of noticeable progress I've made in the past week. With the exception of taking a step on my op leg, things have stayed largely the same since my 2-week progress report.

  • Super glue is gone from the edges of the incision and only remains on the incision itself. I also was finally able to gently rub Dr. Mayo's initials off my hip!
  • I only take a Tylenol PM at night to help me sleep. Otherwise, I'm off all painkillers.
  • Speaking of sleeping, it still takes me a long while to fall asleep, but now I only wake up about once or twice a night when changing positions.
  • Stamina is increasing. I crutched around a park and grocery store this week without losing breath or feeling sore.
  • I started sorting through work e-mails and will return to a more full-time schedule (albeit from home) next week.
  • Having gone off all prescription narcotics, my brain is much clearer and I'm talking to my friends from Colorado more often. This makes me miss them tremendously, and I'm looking forward to getting back to my home state once Christmas is over.
  • I'm feeling "blah" lately, a period I remember well from last time. Tired of crutches and being stuck in the house, my mood resembles Eyeore's at times. Alas, this too, shall pass.
Three weeks down, five to go before my 8-week follow-up!

See how I felt at three weeks post op LPAO.


Acy said…
"blah" yup I'm right there with you. I'm desperate to get my life back and take care of the house, meals, and especially my daughter all by myself.. trying to be patient:) For now, "blah" is the right word... congrats on 3 weeks... oh that the time would go quickly!

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