4 weeks post op RPAO/Incision pic

Halfway through the first stage of recovery. I feel as if I've made mucho progress since last week. My incision picture follows.

At this point I can now:
  • Wear fitted jeans
  • Pick items off the floor from a standing position with both feet on the floor. (Before, I had to swing my op leg back because I couldn't bend that far.)
  • Bend and twist in new ways. My range of motion is increasing quite a bit.
  • Sit, rise, do stairs, crutch, scootch, pivot and hop without pain -- most of the time.
  • Get dressed without using the grabber.
  • Fall asleep without any sleep aids or painkillers. I've had no Tylenol in the past three days.
  • Keep up with my mom in Target, Barnes & Noble and any other like-sized store.
  • Work an eight-hour day from the recliner.
  • Sleep without a pillow between my knees or under my leg. Also, switching positions from belly to side to back is now is cinch.
Very happy with my progress, though the crutches are still a pain in the backside. Got one stuck on a rug today and almost bit it. I'll be so happy when they're gone in a month!

My incision at 4 weeks. I'm rubbing Bio Oil on it once or twice a day to help with the scarring. It looks much better than the other side did at 4 weeks post op. It's not easy to touch, because the numb patch still skeeves me out.

See how I felt at four weeks post op LPAO.


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