Crutch and such
I never thought that at age 29, I would be shopping for mobility aids. Nevertheless, a hip kit (grabber, shoe horn, sock puller-upper and shower scrubber) and red Millennial crutches will be arriving at my apartment in about a week! I feel like a big geek because I'm actually excited about getting them and trying them out. Pretty sure that feeling will wear out quickly! For some reason, when I was younger, I was always jealous of people who were on crutches. I sprained my ankle a number of times during my basketball and volleyball escapades and secretly wished I could use them. But I was too tough to ever go to a doctor and just limped around until the coaches would let me play again. I find myself seeing things as a "mobility-impaired" person would see them. I look at doors of public places and wonder how I would open them while on crutches; I cringe at high curbs and steep sidewalks; and I take note of all the handicapped spots when driving around parking lots. Not that...